Answers to Common Questions
What is the Greater Cincinnati Collegiate Connection?
GC3 is an alliance of 18 colleges and universities in the Greater Cincinnati Area. The organization was formed under the name of Greater Cincinnati Consortium for Colleges and Universities (GCCCU) in 1974 to promote cooperation and collaboration among its member colleges and universities. Through association and collaboration, the members, strive to enhance the vitality of higher education and strengthen each individual institution, its faculty, its administration, and its student body.
What institutions are members of GC3?
The GC3 member institutions are:
- Art Academy of Cincinnati
- Cincinnati State Technical and Community College (including the Middletown and Harrison Campuses)
Gateway Technical and Community College
God's Bible School & College
Good Samaritan College of Nursing and Health Science
Hebrew Union College - Jewish Institute of Religion
Miami University (including the Hamilton and Middletown Campuses)
Mount St. Joseph University
- Northern Kentucky University (including Chase College of Law)
The Christ College of Nursing and Health Sciences
Thomas More University
Union Institute & University
University of Cincinnati (including the Clermont College and Blue Ash College Campuses)
Wilmington College (including the Cincinnati Campus)
Xavier University
Chatfield College (Associate Member)
What is cross-registration?
Cross-Registration is a program sponsored by GC3 which enables a matriculated, degree-seeking student at a GC3 member institution to take courses at another GC3 member institution. The student interested in cross-registering must be enrolled at least part-time at their "home" institution and must obtain all appropriate approvals from both the home and host institutions before registering. Students who cross-register pay the tuition at their home institution, but are responsible for course-related fees to the host institution.
Please view the Cross-Registration Policies and Procedures on the GC3 Website as well as contact the Registrar's Office at your "home" institution for more specific information.
How do I cross-register?
You will first need to obtain approval to cross-register at another GC3 institution from the institution at which you are degree-seeking. Once you have obtained the appropriate approvals at your "home" institution, you will receive an approved Cross-Registration Form to take to the GC3 institution at which you want to cross-register.
You should contact the Registrar's Office at your "home" institution to obtain details on the approval process at the "home" institution. The Cross-Registration contact person at your "home" institution will be able to provide more detailed information regarding the contact person and the cross-registration procedures at the "host" institution.
Can I get a copy of the disabilities handbook for faculty?
Unfortunately, the Disabilities Handbook for Faculty is no longer available in print. You may access the information on the GC3 Website under the /faculty-staff/students-disabilities.
How can I get information about the health insurance for part-time and adjunct faculty?
Tony McCormack, at CAI Insurance, has agreed to assist any GC3 adjunct or part-time faculty member with obtaining coverage. Mr. McCormack will respond to any questions you may have regarding such insurance. Feel free to contact by phone at 513-221-1140 or via e-mail at should you be interested in obtaining coverage or if you have any questions.
Are credits automatically transferable among the 15 GC3 member institutions?
While all of the GC3 member institutions are regionally accredited, whether or not a specific course is acceptable for transfer is determined by the transfer of credit policies approved at each individual member institution.
Credits earned through cross-registration have been pre-approved for acceptance back at the "home" institution prior to the cross-registration. However, how credits earned through cross-registration are applied to a student's transcript is again subject to the individual member institution's policies.