The Greater Cincinnati Collegiate Connection is embarking upon a groundbreaking initiative to maximize internships in the region, provide work experience for students, and create a talent pipeline for businesses. The collaborative effort, led by GC3, aligns the NKY and Cincinnati USA Regional Chambers of Commerce, higher education, and businesses to advance the regional economy, culture, and overall quality of life in our region.
The initiative is the result of “Growing Talent in Our Region: Connecting Businesses and Higher Education to Increase Internships,” an event hosted by GC3 and Graydon Law in November, 2017. Participants uncovered hurdles hindering area internships. A follow-up meeting created teams, the Value Added, Pay and Financing, and Centralization, to solve those roadblocks.
With support and cooperation from both the Northern Kentucky and Cincinnati USA Regional Chambers, a group of over 30 higher education and business professionals worked together to develop resources to assist businesses to develop an internship, develop or improve an internship program or find an intern.
Value Added Team:
Concentrating on convincing businesses of the value of internships and view internships as an investment in their talent pipeline.
Pay and Financing Team
Looking at ways companies can develop paid internships and work them into their long term budgets.
Centralization Team
Concentrating on making the internship process seamless, developing a one-stop shop for businesses to obtain internship information, including developing and managing internships and finding talent.
Use the following link to access the resources available on the GC3 Website.
GC3 welcomes feedback, insight and expertise from the business community to ensure these resoruces are useful to businesses and students. You may contact Janet Piccirillo at jpiccirillo@gbs.edu.