Whether you are looking for a specific degree program, an intern, information on higher education costs, potential talent pool, GC3 has developed a resource to meet your needs. The resources listed on this page are available to the community, students, parents, higher education and business professionals.
Degree Finder - A searchable database listing all of academic program options at the 15 GC3 colleges and Universities.
Internship Toolkit - A resource designed to help employers in the Cincinnati region create new and refresh existing internships/co-ops for students pursuing higher education certificates and degrees.
Intern Navigator - Guides employers to the “right” individual at our region’s colleges and universities to connect you with an intern to meet your company's needs. A searchable database listing all academic programs offered at the 15 local GC3 colleges and universities. Once you find the program(s) you are looking for, the database identifies a single point of contact to assist you in finding an intern for your position.
Inclusion & Belonging Toolkit - Thie resource assists colleges and universities to assess their current state of Inclusion & Belonging effectiveness and infuse Inclusion & Belonging into their strategy.