Resources for Teaching On-Line

Resources from GC3 Members:

Ellen Maddin, Co-Director, Center for Teaching and Learning at NKU created a Canvas course for faculty (Resources for University Faculty Teaching Online), which is stored in the Canvas Commons.  You may copy from any of the pages.   The OER page is reported to be especially useful. 

To enroll in the class go to:

Alternatively, you can sign up at and use the following join code: NMHPEP

Ellen placed the course in the “free” Canvas for teachers so more people could access it.  Faculty will need to create an account on the free version (unless you already have one), but anything you find there can be copied into your institutional Canvas account. 

Following are some suggested resources compiled nationally:

Clemson University

Columbia University Libraries:


University of Massachusetts Amherst

University of Michigan

Pandemic Pedagogy” FB Group



Inside Higher Education:  

Information will be updated as GC3 receives more resources.  Send additional resources to Janet Piccirillo, GC3 Executive Director to