Cincinnati, OH 45221-0060
Contact Person:
Kathy Fryman
Program Manager
Send an Email
Effective Fall Semester 2019:
Starting Fall Semester 2019, the University of Cincinnati will allow GC3 Cross Registration only as follows:
- Students enrolling in Air Force ROTC courses (AF 0000 - AF 9999)
- Students enrolling in Military Science ROTC courses (MS 0000 - MS 9999)
- Students enrolling in the following UC Band courses: ENSM 2071: Bearcat Marching Band, ENSM 2072: Bearcat Prep Band, ENSM 2073: Bearcat Concert Band, ENSM 2074: Bearcat Jazz Band I, ENSM 2075: Bearcat Jazz Band II, ENSM 2076: Bearcat Concert Band, ENSM 2077: Advanced Bearcat Concert Band
- Students from Hebrew Union College Jewish Institute of Religion participating in the joint PhD program with UC's Classics Department in Jewish and Christian Studiesin the Greco-Roman Period
- Students from Hebrew Union College Jewish Institute of Religion participating in the joint MA with the College of Law in Jewish Law and Ethics program
- Students from Miami University enrolling in MLSC 3031 Clinical Immunology I
- Students enrolling in foreign languages other than French, German or Spanish (Hebrew Union College students may enroll in any languages required by the joint programs)
- Cincinnati State students can take courses (limited to six credit hours in each term) at UC if:
- Desired course(s) is not available at CS during the term the student wishes to enroll.
- Desired course(s) is required for the student's program.
- Students must be enrolled in equal or more hours at CS (home institution) than at UC (host institution).
- Students must meet all prerequisites of the course at UC, meet UC's deadlines, and be accepted by UC for enrollment into courses.
Steps to Register:
- Begin the process with your home institution's Registrar's Office for details on how the GC3 process is administered there.
- If this is your first registration at UC, please complete a Basic Data Form. You will receive an email confirmation with your UC log in credentials within three business days.
- Email the completed GC3 Cross Registration Form to the registrar's Office at
- This form can be sent at the same time The Basic Data Form is submitted in order to expedite the process.
- If there are multiple sections of the class(es) for which you have been approved from your home institution, please include the 5 digit section number(s) in your email or make sure it is listed on your form.
- Per GC3 Policy: In a given semester or term, full time students may take up to two courses or six credit hours at another institution, and half time students may take no more than half of their credits at another institution in a given term.
- Within three business days, you will receive email confirmation stating whether or not your cross registration has been approved. Approval is based on the following criteria:
- A Basic Data Form has been processed
- The class(es) listed on the Cross Registration Form meet the conditions listed above.
- Verification of home institution enrollment
- Once approved, please register yourself for the class(es) listed on your GC3 Cross Registration Form via Catalyst.
- In order to register, you will need to complete all items in the "To Do List" on My Dashboard in Catalyst.
- If you are having trouble navigating Catalyst, you will want to vist the Registration How to Guide for further instructions.
- For registration errors (such as not meeting the prerequisites) the Class Permissions Procedures page details what to do to gain permission to register.
- Please note: The Registrar's Office cannot approve prerequisites.
Any additional course-related fees (lab, ebooks, etc.)
Additional Information:
Course permission is required if the course is closed or class has prerequisites. Students must inform both schools if they withdraw from cross-registered classes. A transcript is automatically sent from UC to the home institution at the end of the term.
Students are responsible for registering for classes on their own once approved by the University of Cincinnati Registrar's office.
2023 - 2024 Cross-Registration Dates
Fall 2023
Classes Begin
August 26, 2024 |
Dates/times for cross registration
April 15, 2024- August 26, 2024
Spring 2025
Classes Begin
January 13, 2025 |
Dates/times for cross registration
November 18, 2024- January 13, 2025 |
Summer 2025
Classes Begin
May 12, 2025 |
Dates/times for cross registration
February 24, 2025 - May 12, 2025 |
Refer to the Academic Calendar for detailed information. |